Goabase News

1 Jun 16 ·

Share by e-mail and other news

Share by e-mail, new top-menu, voting and pictures in the own guestbook, flyer and profile image instead of logo, calendar without reloading, links with preview

Listed compact

  • For the sharing of partys and sites "E-mail" can be selected. The own e-mail program will open up with a short description and the link to the party. There's also a prepared e-mail In the party details of the promoter. The text is a little different.
  • The code insight of the top menu changed completely. The old technique got exchanged with the new one from [smartmenus.org] and is customized for the different Layouts and Styles. The handling with the smartphone eased significantly. By clicking on nearby pixels the submenu will not hide on desktops.
  • Members are aloud to vote posts and upload pictures in guestbooks. This option can be deactivated in the account settings, or specified for friends only.
  • In meeting points, lifts, reports and so one the flyer will show up top left and the gobase logo disappears. Also the member avatar gets displayed at the subpages of the profile. The idea here is better orientation.
  • The calendar on [Start] and Upcoming Events updates without refreshing. You are able to switch through the months notably faster.
  • Mainly for desktops: The preview for extern links became reactivated, with faster loading time and a different outlook. Therefore you drag the mouse over the link. Also a small icon appears besides the link.

Feedback is always welcome.