Create Goabase Profile Account


Register / Create Goabase Profile

On Goabase you can
  • as a member
    • see all flyer, photos, images
    • remark parties on your partytimer
    • write messages to others
    • upload your images
    • comment everything
    • get informed about new entries
    • and much more...
  • as an organizer
    • insert as much goa/pytrance-parties you want
    • send party invitations to others
    • moderate all sub entries of your parties like meeting point and photos
    • share everywhere and with RSS, iCal, Newsletter, JSON, XML

Your data will be used on this domain only. Your email address will never be displayed on this page.

After registration you receive an activation email containing a link. Next, please click on the link in that email to confirm your registration.

If you do not receive this email, it's probably because your postbox is full or you made an error when entering your email address. Please check also your spam folder. We see several such email errors per day, and the associated accounts are eventually deleted. If realy no activation email reached you: Get an new activation email.

Do you have an account already? Login here, please.

Need help? Visit the Goabase Help / FAQ or get in Contact with us


You accept the Goabase Netiquette / Rules.


Your e-mail will be used as login only. Nobody else will see or get it.
Insert a password.
Please enter the new password again.

Your profile

Select one of the three options, enter your own or leave it blank. The gender is displayed in your profile.
The town name will be in your profile and used for radius search.
Radius search


Submit parties
Activate it to post your events and parties.
In this case the option "Public partytimer" is also active.
Invitations list
Everybody can hold a list of members to send party invitations to them.
If the option is checked, every member can invite you to his list.
Party newsletter
Newsletter: Every 2nd Wednesday around 19:30 a mailing with new parties is sent out
More options after your activation via e-mail
Please fill all relevant fields