Noticias de la Goabase

4 mar. 18 ·

Changes in the last weeks

Mainly performance and some fine tuning

In the last few weeks there have been a few changes, which mainly affect the speed:

SSL Labs
  • The Goabase server has been switched to the http/2.0 protocol, which means better loading times. The http/2.0 protocol is only possible with SSL connections - at SSL Labs Goabase has the top rating "A+".
  • Google PageSpeed says about Goabase: "According to the data [....] the page ranks in the upper third of all pages due to its median values for FCP (0.8s) and DCL (1.1s). This site has a high level of optimization". For home page and lists 87/100 (desktops) are reached, smartphones need some more work (69/100). But a single party is shown with 96/100!
  • The personal messages are reloaded, similar to the party lists. This means that the search form there works directly. The sent message is also saved faster.
  • The mouse-over of members is no longer prefilled, but - as with the parties - is reloaded when needed. This makes the page considerably slimmer and thus loads faster.
  • The interactive forum search has become about 20 times faster.
  • A modified forum post can be saved immediately, the page does not reload.
  • The fold-out elements for urls and photos below the text boxes remember their open/closed state. Also other elements marked with the triangle.
  • The head area of the party details is slightly slimmer. The double name has been omitted and the top navigation is no longer two lines.
  • The game {page:game_breakout} got three new levels, two of Stilles Wasser (thanks very much). There are also simple audio players available for each psyradio channel - so you can switch on music in between.