Neues der Goabase

12.12.20 ·

New Features [Update]

First of all - a good Christmas time to all! Even if there are few new parties due to the situation, it does not stop here. There are bigger pictures and "infinite scrolling".

First of all - a good Christmas time to all! Even if there are few new parties due to the situation, it does not stop here. There are bigger pictures and " infinite scrolling".

You may have already noticed: The flyers are now shown bigger under Neue Flyer. All flyers have been saved again in a new format.

Besides this optical improvement there is now (finally) a feature, which is known from other websites for a long time: The " infinite scrolling". This is the effect, when the end of the page is reached and no button or similar has to be pressed, but further content is loaded automatically.

This " infinite scrolling" can now be found on the party pages Aktuelle Partys and Frühere Partys, the flyer pages Neue Flyer and Flyer Sammlung as well as on the page Zufällige Partyfotos. Previously, you had to click on "page 2 of 7" (or "more flyers") to see more content. Now this happens automatically after one second, as soon as the bottom menu appears.

If desired, this automatic can be switched off again: To do so, click once on "More flyers" (or "Page 2 of 7"). The content will be collapsed and no further content will be loaded. If you want to continue, just click again and scroll to the end of the page.

Surfing here should thus have become more comfortable, just try it out. However, the feature is not active on smartphones. It could unintentionally cause traffic and thus costs.

Other recent changes:

  • The member pictures are next to the text post when scrolling.
  • On longer pages, the right info block also remains when scrolling to the end of the page.
  • Party photos are shown in the party details and Zufällige Partyfotos in the new format 400x400px
  • For smartphones the look has been further improved
  • Visitors "of the last ten minutes" was set to 30 minutes
  • "Under the hood" further code was optimized and updated

Criticism and feedback are welcome.

If you like it, feel free to drop by Support Goabase, possibly to donate a chai or something....

As always, have fun with the new one - and keep your ears open! :)

[Update 12.12.20]
The member lists and the photos at the individual parties have also been extended by the feature "endless loading". The usual page navigation is then no longer available.